Each year, in our college as a part of the requirement for the completion of 3 rd year BSc Nursing and 2 nd year PB BSc Nursing Students will be conducting a research project. For this, the students will be divided into groups of four or five depending upon the class strength and they will be under the guidance of expert faculty of our college. The students take on topics for research study
according to the need and priority of the public. Most of the topics will be related to the recent trends and views of nursing profession. Also they will conduct need based research in various settings and they will utilize the research findings to render high quality nursing care and further they will use the above findings in nursing education and nursing administration.

Also, every year, college magazine is published by our college which is a platform for students and faculty to express their academic and non academic aspirations. The faculty of our college are taking keen efforts every year, to publish their scholarly articles in the various national and international nursing journals. Also the faculty and students are eagerly planning to publish newsletters thrice in a year.